11 September 2009


i've been learning about biodynamics lately. it could possibly be one of the most succesfull techniques for growing high quality food.
here's the Planting Calendar Rhythms

Go here to learn about the different moon rhythyms.

Go here for all the preparation recipes.

BD 500 Application
During an Descending Moon Period
in the afternoon/evening (sunset)
at the beginning of the plant's growth
and just before harvest

BD 501 Application
During an Ascending Moon Period
in the morning (sunrise)
at the beginning of the plant's growth
and just before harvest
on Moon opposite Saturn day
in the morning (sunrise)
to strengthen against fungus & improve quality

Seed Sowing
On Moon opposite Saturn day
48 hours before Full Moon
during an Ascending Moon Period

for the particular constellation effect:
Root Plant -- Earth constellation day

Leafy Plant -- Water constellation day

Flowering Plant -- Air/Light constellation day

Fruit or Seed Plant -- Fire/Warmth constellation day

Compost Making
Best during Descending Moon period

Compost Spreading
During Descending Moon period
in cool weather
depending on soil conditions
and crop requirements

Cultivation & Soil Preparation
Best during Descending Moon period
when weather and soil conditions permit
NOTE: Cultivation and working the soil when it is wet can cause structual damage

Transplanting Seedlings, Container Grown Plants, Trees and Shrubs
Best during Descending Moon period
at appropriate season

Best during Ascending Moon period, except for roots and potatoes,
which are best during Descending Moon Period

Fruit, green vegetables, hay and silage
keep better and maintain quality in storage
if harvested during an Air/Light Flower period:
Gemini/Mithuna or Aquarius/Kumbha

Grains and Seeds for saving
best when harvested during a Fire/Warmth seed period:
Sagittarius/Dhanush or Aries/Mesha

Roots and potatoes
best harvested in a Descending Moon period
when the Moon is in the Earth root sign Virgo/Kanya

AVOID Harvesting at Full Moon, Perigee and during a Water constellation leaf day, such as Pisces/Mina, since these are times of more water in the Earth, so the crops would hold too much water for satisfactory storage.

Liquid Manure Application
Best just before Full Moon
in the afternoon
several times during crop growth, as needed

Plant Potatoes
Best during Apogee

Fungus Control
During Full Moon and Perigee
Spray with BD 508 prior to & during these days
These are stress times, they bring watery influences to the Earth
which can lead to fungus attacks, esp. during warm weather.
On Moon opposite Saturn
Spray with BD 501 in the early morning (sunrise)
which will strengthen the plant to resist fungus

Best during Descending Moon period

Fruit trees & berry shrubs at appropriate season
on a Fire/Warmth day, if possible
Leo/Simha or Sagittarius/Dhanush

Flowering shrubs and roses at appropriate season
on an Air/Light day, if possible
Gemini/Mithuna or Libra/Tula

At Full Moon, several times during the growing season
Best when Sun in following constellations for specific pests:
Sun in Aries/Mesha for larvae
Sun in Taurus/Vrishaba for hardshell insects
Sun in Gemini/Mithuna for flies
Sun in Cancer/Karkata for snails & slugs

go to http://foodgrowsontrees.blogspot.com/  for more info

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